About the W.E.B. Du Bois Scholars Institute

Housed on the campus of Princeton University, the W.E.B. Du Bois Scholars Institute is an intensive academic and leadership program for high-achieving middle and high school students. Through academic rigor, collaborative learning, collective problem solving, and individual attention and support, we prepare students for college and career readiness.


of Du Bois Scholars graduate from high school


of Du Bois Scholars attend 4-year universities/ colleges


Average GPA of local Du Bois Scholars

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This experience has been the best 5 weeks of my life.

Engineering Academy Scholar

This program made me realize who I really am, and who I aspire to be.

Fellows Academy Pre-Scholar

This experience has made me feel more confident about who I am as a person.

Management & Business Academy Scholar

It’s a great experience you can’t get anywhere else.

Fellows Academy Pre-Scholar

If you want to become a good student, a critical thinker, and a great person, this is the place to be.

Junior Achievers Academy Pre-Scholar

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